The beginning

It all started in the beginning of the 90’s when there were no mobiles or PC’s, no social media and very few channels on TV.  The era of Supermodels and fashion magazines, which were also a rare find. The time when I was dreaming and living in my own fashion stories.

I was growing up in an artistic family – my mother is a singer and my father is a painter. They said that my great–grandma was sewing clothes for  King Simeon’s family and my grandfather created furniture with wood carvings. Being surrounded by those and other amazing people, and listening to their stories about my great-grandparents I was inspired to create my own dreams – different but somehow similar to theirs and to design the concept for my own fashion art.

An elegant lady with an amazing voice, exquisite taste and very skillful hands was the hero of a fairytale my mother used to tell me in my childhood. Her name was Merlenne. That name became a symbol of the ultimate femininity, elegance and radiant beauty for me and later on the main character for the brand I imagined – Merlenne.

Years after when the brand appeared we built on that story saving the same values and ideas for a sensual gentle and refined woman. We made the story alive. It is about the most beautiful name of a girl with an amazing voice and exquisite style, making her dreams come true. Enjoy!

Creative Director